Managing Self
This book is about improving your relationships at all levels, influencing others in powerful new ways, and reducing conflict. This book is about getting people to say yes to you—to your ideas, your proposals, and your goals. It is also about understanding who you are and who those you hope to influence are. And most importantly, it is about developing highly effective and yet decidedly ethical tactics for achieving “win-win” solutions.
This book is also about managing yourself in relationship to time for greater achievement and accomplishment.
This book recognizes that the greatest weakness found in most traditional time and project management programs is that they offer a “one-size-fits-all” system or approach to a multifaceted and complex subject, ignoring the critical role that personal and management style play in organizational effectiveness.
As a result, most programs fail to provide practical and realistic solutions that might reasonably be implemented by disparate personality styles. In this book, I have attempted to address these weaknesses by integrating the behavioral styles model and the latest work done in the area of social intelligence with the best practices for planning, personal organization, and the management self with regard to time. This volume represents a comprehensive new approach to the subject by presenting insightful, style-specific tools and techniques for better organizing your projects and your life. Most importantly, by providing techniques that align with your natural style, you will experience less stress while you accomplish more than you thought possible.